Color Factory: An interactive art exhibit in SF

One of my favorite things in the world are interactive art exhibits, so when Color Factory opened up in SF, of course I had to go. As a former Burning-Man-attendee and a lifelong believer in fun and imagination, I find it to be the most amazing experience to step into someone else's creative landscape (how do people come up with this stuff?!).

Even seeing the outside of the building was a delight - it's painted in rainbow stripes of bright popping colors.

Color Factory San Francisco
Color Factory San Francisco

Once you're inside, there's a wondrous rainbow staircase that leads you into this other world.

Color Factory San Francisco

You get a card that lets you grab photos from photobooths throughout the different rooms.

Color Factory San Francisco

And first thing's first, you get a snack - your choice of rainbow macaroons and black lemonade (there's a person manually turning this on the other side of the wall!).

Color Factory San Francisco
Color Factory San Francisco

There are rooms that confuse your eyes with patterns, and rooms where you feel like an ant...

Color Factory

... a forest of ribbons where you can get lost and bump into other lost souls...

... some friendly neon...

Color Factory San Francisco

... and even the bathrooms are legitimately cool (yes, we do look good in pink)...

Color Factory San Francisco
Color Factory San Francisco

... a confetti room where you don't have to worry about making a mess (I suggest making confetti-angels)...

... a room printing selfies (that's me!) and of course the yellow ball pit.

Color Factory San Francisco

The last room is huge and completely yellow, with a special treat at the end (you'll have to go to find out what it is). Don't forget to grab a map on the way out for a walking tour of other colorful experiences!

Color Factory San Francisco
Color Factory San Francisco
Color Factory San Francisco
Color Factory San Francisco
Color Factory San Francisco
Color Factory San Francisco

We as humans get so caught up in the everyday that we sometimes forget how amazing and full of wonder life is. Don't get lost in what-ifs and what-could've-beens, focus on enjoying every moment you experience. Don't forget to breathe and reflect and dance and adventure and do what you love, because if you don't, then what's the point?

Here's to never losing that childlike spirit, to exploring new adventures every day, and to always looking up into the universe and being grateful for the time we have here.


Color Factory

Tickets are sold out for August, but will soon open up for September. Sign up at for updates.